2 min readJul 15, 2021


CFB Announcement- Treasury and Investment Bounty

Dear Community,

We have looked out for each other these past months sharing knowledge, avoiding rugs/scams, and providing sound investable ideas. Yes, we occasionally even aped together… Twing/Pwing/Titan/ICE to name a few.

We want to continue this culture of educating and helping one another by rewarding those that make it possible. With this in mind, we would like to announce the creation of a community Treasury and bounty for the best investable idea as part of our roadmap implementation.

The Treasury will be funded by weekly donations from the community and controlled by a multisig wallet. We currently have two signers and will continue to expand as more moderators volunteer. The Treasury will be funded by community donations and investment returns. The funds will be used to pay weekly investment bounty and community developments (e.g., website, developers fees for token/DAO). We encourage anyone to reach out with ideas to make CFB better.

The weekly investment bounty will begin on Saturday evenings with the announcement of next week’s eligible prize. The prize will be 25% of prior week donations and Treasury’s earnings. The first prize will be 25% of community donations, as remaining money will be used to kick start the Treasury fund.

The bounty will be conducted as follows:

  1. Beginning Sunday, briefly describe your idea on telegram and address it to one of the moderator. Include token address and website (if any) of the investment.
  2. We will include your username in a community poll that will conclude Saturday evenings EST.
  3. A winner will be announced on Sunday, and funds will be distributed.

We will continue this process as long as there is community participation, moderator volunteers, and donations/treasury availability.


